Can do anythingJust not everythingbecauseME IS ME.

Drop Massage

If people are trying to bring you "DOWN" it only means that you are above them. SUCCESS♥



Old things | New things
teharunya aku ^^
Monday | 11:38 PM | 1 comments
assalamualaikum . heyhey !
nk story molyey niew . hah ! nk tauw x citew apew ? meyh siniew meyh .
nk citew pasai mem FB aku niew . kebetulan classmate aku weayh . tadik chating2 . uke ! jum tngok apa yg dibincangkan toe :)

hah ! amekkaauuwww !

tak nmpak yew ? soriy to say lah yew freinds :)
yg merah2 toe aku sengaja . sbb xnk ad spekulasi apa2 . kung friends aku O dyew chakap apa pulak kan . 
uke . aku akan tulis yg berkotak dotted toe jerk uke :)
jum !

W SAY ::
#tiba2 kita jadi rapat ye .
#nanti ko jgn sombong2 dgn aku lgi ye .

#aku niew friendly weayh 
W SAY :: 
#tapiy kadang2 koe sombong 

W SAY :: 
#kadang2 aku senyum koe rply powns senyum aku
#koe tegor past toe koe jeling

mangkuk punyew kawan ! sengal koe yew . sesuka haty , hempedu , peparu koe jerk yew chakap aku niew sombong ! nk kenew sekeh erk ? aammmeekkkaauuw !
past niew bukan setakat senyum jerk . pelok cium koe terus tauw ! hah ! ahhahaha :)
aku men jeling2 ngn koe yew bungek ! meyh aku cucok mate koe uhh . sapew yg jeling sapew niew . weayh ! weayh ! jeling2 toe tndanya sygs weayh !

koe penah dngr x? tak kan ? hah ! niew aku buat sendiri ayat auw :) khas buatmu :)
ahahahahah :)
menat ahh weayh merapu meraban pasai koe niew "W" ! hehe :)