Can do anythingJust not everythingbecauseME IS ME.

Drop Massage

If people are trying to bring you "DOWN" it only means that you are above them. SUCCESS♥



Old things | New things
seribu satu kesah arini ^^' JOM ~~!
Sunday | 1:11 AM | 0 comments
hey blogger !

sebenarnye,,penat aq ni,,:(( baru jerk past g tengok nenek kat ospitall,,alohaiii,,,sedihnye tengok org kener STROK ,,adudududuuu,,ase nk nages jerk tadi,,tp ramai giler sedare dtng,,cham rombongan lak,,eishhh !! org saket leh lak bergurauw,,adududuuu,,:((..okk ni serius !!!

tadi tengok nenek,,sumpah terase nk pangel TUHAN jerk,,:((,,esihhh !! pe ntah aq melalot ni,,makcik aq citer,,katil depan nenek aq toe,,semalam meninggal,,AL-FATHIHA,,makcik cite,,org toe(nenek2 kot) dye sebnarnye elok je,,past ank dye bg makan dua suap,,ajal dtng,,sedihhnye,,kter x leh duge kan aper da jadi,,tuhan nak tarikk,,kte REDHO je lahkan,,then tadi macham-II ragam,,eishh ! aq pantng tol jumpe dark-II kecik,,eishh ! macham-II aq jumpe anak org punye pangai,,paleng best sekali,,anak org cines n indian,,kamikan 1 MALAYSIA,,ngeee ~!! :)) mule2 uhh,,sayy hai je kat dark2 ni,,tetibe lak,,dark2 ni suke dtng kat aq,,ehhehehee,,ad times uhh,,fmly dorg nk balek powns,,maseh nk kepit ngn aq,,paleng xtif tadi,,ank indian ni,,alohaiii,,comel seyhh dorg ni,,nk tauw umoo dorg uhh bape?? hahah,,maseh kanak2 ohhh,,ad yg dark 2thun,,paleng besar borak ngn aq tadi powns dark darjah 3 kot,,huhaiii,,ramainye adq2 aq,,nursei tadi uhh peli2 aq,,dye ask,,"hey,,kat sinie ospital ker pusat penjagaan kanak2,,ehehehhe,,(senyum)"wahh,,perli abeh aq,,heheeheh,,nk uat chamne kan,,da dorg suke,,aq lyn je ahh,,agg powns,,aq kan peminat fenatik kanak2,,ngeee ! :)),, hahahaahaa,,xmen kejar2 powns,,duduk2 then uat salam pekenalan,,hahahahaaa,,aq dark ni sumpah comel,,dah ahh anak cines,,suke cium pipi aq,,hahahaaa..sweet ahh dorg ni,,teringat zaman kanak2,,

then,,aq ternmpak ad sorg budak pompuan ni,,otak dye len siket dari kte,,a.k.a xnormal siket ahh kn,,aduhhh ! sumpah sad,,umoo baya2 aq je,,da hh kene kurung,,sedih ohh :(((O,,

eishhh,,nak story pasal ospital ni,,sebenarnye bnyak agg,,heheheee,,,tp aq ad page len agg nk cite,,hahahahaaa,,,sampai sinie je dulu kk pasal ospital,,sebenarnye,,aq MISS    giel kat dark2 tadi,,hehehe,,akq sygs korg,,muahhhh !!~~ ngee ! :))

cat ni cute cham korg semuer